No, it's not the commercialism. What do I care how much money broadcasting companies pay for the right to televise the events. The posturing, the politics and jingoism that appears every two years don't really effect me all that much. After all, whenever there is a world event somebody is going to use it as a pulpit to aggrandize or grouse and bellyache about their personal peeves.

I don't really care if the opening and closing ceremonies are staged productions with computer generated effects and lip syncing children. I like cool effects and the children will not care about this stuff by next summer. I don't believe that athletes feel like sex objects because of their outfits and it's quite possible that many of them are actually quite proud of their bodies and enjoy showing them off. Go ahead, Google it yourself.
This gal has some really great melons.

I like to watch all the action and to tell the truth even though I cheer the American's on, I never much care about the results. Win or lose I just love to watch champions at work.
I do not like the Olympics because of the silly questions I get from folks. Specifically: Which country are you rooting for? Who do you want to win? America or Japan? This time around it was particularly severe because of the baseball and softball competition. Yet as I was watching the games my allegiance kept switching sides. I kept cursing all the errors no matter who made them and going wild over every fine play. I felt bad that Japan got their asses handed to them but I am even more pissed off that America didn't get the gold.
I wonder I I could get enough money together to afford a London vacation. I sure would like to see the spectacle with my own eyes instead of the Cyclopean one
I have not been following or watching the Olympics this year. I did growing up, but I have no desire to watch the summer games in general because those sports do not interest me. I love watching the winter games, but I could care less what country wins...I just admire the athleticism of the skaters, skiers, etc.
You can bash the Olympics all you want. But bear this in mind: if it weren't for the Olympics, I would still be ambivalent about Argentine women ruling the world and keeping me as their only male for breeding purposes.
Im tired of hearing about it already. This is one of the biggest topics in workout at 6am. Pleeeaaasse, I'm not even awake yet!
I did not watch them as my TV was (& is still) out of order!
STILL I got tired of hearing about them!
I tell you, its all politics, those games are all politics...
I beheld an Olympic event once in my life. It was the 2002 Winter Games and the event was Women's Hockey: Lithuania vs. Kyrgyzstan. I ate a seven dollar hot dog and never saw a fight. The Lithuanian girls were pretty, though.
Thursdaynext~ I am not fanatical about watching sports but the Olympics, both summer and winter, give me a chance to watch something we don't often get to see.
Pug~ Argentinian??? I thought it was the Amazons you were holding out for?
Spin~ QAre you serious? Talking about the Olympics at a sports club? During workout??
Mona~ Sorry dear, but I have to disagree with you. For the athletes it's not politics at all. It's all about gold.
Grunt~ Seven bucks! I hope you asked for extra kraut on that puppy.
Who won the game?
"And how do you feel...
"losing the race."
"dropping the baton"
"knowing this is your last Olympics."
To me, there is nothing grander than the human body, mind, and spirit testing its limits through sport. Especially by amateurs. But the Olympics are so far from that sentiment any more, I just say NO.
NYD, for the politicians too, in the final reckoning it is all about power & gold ( yellow or black...)
I watched 30 seconds of the closing ceremonies. TV and I don't get along. In that 30 seconds, TV picked a fight with me and I stormed out the room. I guess the idiot box showed me.
Lithuania stomped Kyrgyzstan's asses. I forget the score. The thing is that since the Olympics ski lift tickets here are crazy expensive. I've resorted to back country skiing--hiking and skiing down--in the local range. The avalanche danger makes it a bit risky, but it is wild.
And there was no kraut for my dog. Total rip off.
I admire your objectivity while watching the Olympics. I always find myself cheering for one particular individual or team. Have I been sucked into the winning is everything mentality? Dear,God, I hope not!
Kurt~ I have lost more races than I have won.
I have the little blue pill to keep my baton from dropping.
If there is a last then there had to be a first- and you can say you were in the game.
Moi~ There really is nothing wrong with the Olympics. The problem lies with the fact that each country has to prove it's supposed superiority by trying to out do the previous host. Stupidity is by far more vast than the universe.
Mona~ Well played and a fine return! I wonder what it would be like to banter with you in person!
Corn Dog~ You just keep getting better at this stuff with each and every comment and post. LOL!
No kraut? The bastard commies!
Take it easy on them slopes this year!
Beth~ I ain't objective. I just have a habit of sittin on the fence.
I invented the Olympics.
I'm nationality irreverant. I root for who I want to root for. My least favorite thing in the Olympics is the win/lose mentality. Last I recalled three different athletes made the stand, not just the Gold medal winner. I also couldn't stand the "USA Medal Count" they really emphasized in Olympics passed. I didn't catch it this year because I think we don't nearly dominate in a lot of the sports we once did. I still think there's waaay to much emphasis placed on a few of the athletes (Michael Phelps, volleyball teams) and other events deserved better coverage. I find it quite wasteful to have to one-up the last Olympics and spend all that money when there are better uses for the spending. My perspectives...
the medal counting drives me crazy but i do enjoy watching the striving for excellence. and when a really good human interest story comes along that grabs that gal in the open water swim who is an amputee competing with everyone else. or the 2 somalian athlete who basically finished last in their events but they completed them and for a moment their own nation was united in pride behind them, rather than remembering the internal strife of warring factions. regardless of nationality, that is the sort of thing you just have to admire.
I hopes ya git to London!
(I like watchin' the kids...but it irritates me that folks train in USA, go to our colleges, use our coaches them wear the banner of another country.)
I've never been an Olympics fan.
Look at it this way, instead of having split allegiances you had two teams to root for.
Yeah, now that is over time to start picking teams for the football pool we do here at work!
I'm not a big Olympics fan and watched little this year. Some of it bores me and the Nationalism disturbs me. But man, it was thrilling to watch Phelps winning and winning.
aye, true. and now professionals can compete in it, it's lost all hope. disgraceful china was allowed to host it in the first place.
I hear you on this one. I felt like boycotting because of the way so many nations are kowtowing to China. But the athletes themselves had nothing to do with that. They trained hard and wanted to perform, to compete, and I can totally respect that. I ended up watching some of the events.
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