I had promised you all a viewing of a wedding, Japanese style and although there was a delay in getting them to you here are the snapshots. Wedded life is, at it's best and worst, a mixed blessing.
I hope these kids have the blessing of the gods for they are good people

Beautiful! And nice tie in too! Happy MM!
Nifty pics. Hope they have a Happy Honeymoon.
And Happy Mute Monday
I invented Shinto Traditions.
oh thanks! that was lovely to see. in the mixed blessing that is marriage i wish them much more happiness than sorrow or pain.
thanks also for the birthday greetings you left at my place. much appreciated.
Heaven and Hell... sometimes the same road leads to either.
What is a Mute Monday? No one will tell me.
I too ask Allan's question--I assume you are a secret society.
Here's my test--no Garbo. I did it twice: the first time I came up with Katheryn Hepburn, then I tried it again and really thought about the questions. This one fits me far better, although it never would have occurred to me!
Barbara Stanwyck
You scored 36% grit, 19% wit, 48% flair, and 12% class!
You're a tough dame, a bit of a spitfire, and you can even be a little dangerous, but you do it with such flair that almost all is forgiven (and even when it's not, you're still the most interesting woman in the room). You can be witty and charming, all right, but you have a tough streak that keeps you focused and sometimes deadly. You've had quite a climb to get where you are, but you're a hard worker and you mostly deserve all you get...and then some. You might end up destroying everything around you, but you must admit...you've got style. Your leading men include Henry Fonda, Fred MacMurray, and when you forget yourself, Gary Cooper.
Hi there people. Thank you for the kind comments and I hope you enjoyed the photos.
I love these photos...thank you for sharing. I am in hell when I am not with the Prince. We had a tiff yesterday that qualified me getting a dozen salmon colored roses...but I dont consider those tiffs hell. Making up is kinda heavenly ;)
Marriage is the devil. And not the good devil either, the one who brings us good drugs and bad sex and great tunes. It is the bad devil. I've lost many friends to the marriage monster. Hopefully those two survive it.
Did you say that out loud?
Ahhhh she's beautiful!!!
H is fer Honeymoon! Lovely shots, NY! Happy MM!
wow! such lovely kimono silk! & such a lovely bride wearing it!
Where are you???/
In our country we have a saying " shaadi woh laddo hai jo khaayaa to pachtaayaa, aur na khaayaa to pachtayaa"
Meaning: wedding is that sweet which if you eat you'll regret, & which if you do not eat, then too you'll regret!
Bless them!
Beautiful images! I love weddings...!!! Happy MM!
That's a very interesting headdress she's wearing.
I don't know what Mute Monday is either...
Great shots! The bride is beautiful.
Nice pics. I don't think I'd ever seen close up pics of a Japanese wedding before. Thanks for posting them.
I was going to link you but I need to know which blog to use.
Thursdaynext~ The man buys you flowers? Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!
Grant~ Preaching to the choir, my man.
Allan~ Say what out loud? If you want to find out about Mute Monday you ought to ask the Troll. It's his project.
JGrrl~ The pictures don't do her justice. She is HOT!!!!
Aunty Belle~ I wanted to go along and take some honeymoon shots, but for some strange reason they refused.
Mona~ Having the cake and eating it too, huh?
You ask: "Where are you???" That, my dear, is what I have been trying to figure out for a very looooong time.
Java Junkie~ This was a real nice one. The shrine was pretty cool and the couple intensly happy to be there.
Meagan~ The headdress is called 角隠し Tsuno kakushi. It is used to cover the "horns of jealousy" during the ceremony. Of course, afterwards they are allowed to grow as long and as sharp as the wife needs them to be. OUCH!
Grunt~ All gals look good on their wedding day.
Hale~ Long time no see. I'm afraid I have been a delinquent from your place. Will have to change that.
Troll~ Mute Mondays will be done here in the future. Tobacco Road is now part of the City Daily Photos network.
Nice photos. How long does a wedding last?
Beautiful pictures! And the bride is a vision of lovliness. I hope they'll be very happy.
You did not explain about the howfare of the actual ceremony!
Question: was your marriage similarly conducted?
& Hey, I am just asking you, where are you in that particular scene...But then perhaps & most probably, you are behind the camera!
I love to see weddings fom othe rcultures. I hope they have happiness, too. Even with the occassional sorrows involved, that I'm glad for the time I was married.
Kurt~ Thanks
VE~ The ceremony runs from about 20 to 40 minutes depending on the shrine, the amount of guests, etc but all of the reception and other activities depend on how much money you are willing to spend.
SJ~ I have never seen an ugly bride. Hope to hell I never do.
Mona~ That would just take far too long and end up detracting from the actual ceremony.
My marriage was almost the same- I wore Kimono/Hakama and made my vows in Japanese.
Citizen~ Wedddings can be a blast! I have seen a few variations on the basic theme yet they all have one thing in common- Happiness and Noise.
wow that is a wedding! cute cute !!
She looks highly absorbent.
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