October 19, 2008

This is not my beautiful wife...

There have been a multitude of stories and poems written and read; about the roads less, or even never, travelled and I am pretty certain that you can take their messages literally or figuratively and still come up with a pretty good beginning for an adventure of your own.

New roads to different places don't always occur out of doors. We can explore beyond the horizons of experience just about anywhere. To me the essential aspect of finding that new path is a complete lack of
anticipation. You just can't wait for the action to come to you.

When I ride I often don't have a goal in mind. The road often takes me where I am going. That appeals to me. I like my travels to be spontaneous and tinged with a patina of wildness. Today, that's exactly what I got! While riding around this morning, I somehow ended up getting lost (a wrong turn if you can believe it.) and finding myself on a very strange and unknown road. When I got to the top of the hill, which was also the end of the road, I was astounded at what I found there.

If you like these there will be more at Tobacco Road

The Morioka Dai Butsu. Standing at least ten meters or more than thirty feet it presides over a burial ground. I didn't take any pictures of the temple because it sort of spooky and uninviting, but the rest of the place was warm and quite beautiful. I am puzzled that I have never seen this before. Do any of you folks have a similar tale to tell. An unexpected find in a place you thought you knew?


Megan said...

What an incredible find!

I do have a story like that, but I'm not entirely convinced it wasn't a dream.

Interesting how so many of the blog posts I read this morning were about local journeys and interesting things seen and heard therein. Thereon? Thereupon?

Going to check out the other photos now...

Anonymous said...

These are beautiful photos and an incredible discovery for you! The best I ever found was an ancient pump well near the remains of an old woodshed on an overgrown access road that hadn't been used in decades... Not nearly so cool as this though...

puerileuwaite said...

I once took I road I hadn't realized was there, and found a strip mall with a Subway at the end of it. It's as if the road knew what I needed at the time.

lime said...

what a wondrous and beautiful find. thank you for sharing it with us.

the last time i wondered not knowing where i might end up i found myself sitting with mr. and mrs. hughes. i mean i knew the cemetary was there and how to find it. i just set out without a destination and that's the place that called to me.

Serena said...

How gorgeous! I, alas, have no place like that.

The Grunt said...

Far out!

Mona said...

The most unexpected find in a place I thought i knew ( India) was my husband. Hehehe

Buddha is having fun everywhere!

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...