November 24, 2008

Mute Monday "P" is for...

Proceed with caution and comment with civility.
I can't wait for the letter "Y"


Anonymous said...

LOL! Well! Happy birthday to me!

Grant said...

I'm sorry I missed J-bunny. When you hit Y, could you do Yuri Ebihara?

h said...

Japan is full of virility statues, right? Cool stuff.

Happy Mute Monday.

The Java Junkie said...

Yowza! They're everywhere!! Happy MM!

lime said...

what a hilarious collection of pictures. i have to say the natural rock formation with the 3 people in front of it is an absolute hoot. the two that were carved from stone i think are actually really cool pieces of art.

Bear said...

A phallus, from a woman's perspective, usually represents a fallacy.

Excellent take.

Happy MM

moi said...

lol to Bear. Life does seem to lean y'all's way :o). And now you have me wondering about Y. Happy MM!

Jenny said...

I'm a bit worried about the letter "V".

Hee, very clever pick and even more clever finds. Happy MM!

Pam said...

Interesting subject matter and photos!

Mona said...

I am not going to feed my man too much spinach hehehe.

Those are absolutely hilarious. I can't believe my eyes would confront THIS early in the morning today. God help my day...

The rock that 'natural'?

sparringK9 said...

grrrrrherhahahhaa to bear!

wow! where is that chandelier? zeigfried and roy's house? happy MM!

Vixen said...

Very well done! Love what you did with it (the theme, lol). :)


Joanna Cake said...

That chandelier is fabulous! Happy MM x

NYD said...

JGrrl~ Have fun blowin out the candles!

Grant~ Sorry, buddy. I must balance my Yang with a little Ying. After Ive done that I go for some ring a ding, ding.

Troll~ Yes it is and sometimes it's a daunting task to compete with a six foot wooden penis, but I do my best.

JJ~ Yowza" Now that's the word for it!

Lime~ Just like the real deal. Some are totally cool- others, funny and there are some you never, never want to get up close and personal with.

Bear~ A phallus, presented without malice would, I believe, be acceptable to most any chalice.

Moi~ Just think of all the lovely words we use to describe the complementary part of the female form and "Y" ought not puzzle you for more than a few moments.

If the answer still eludes you, just pick up any Tom Robbins novel and I am certain that the answer will soon present itself.

A.B.~ This was a no brainer for me. As well with most males.

Pamock~ sometimes I shoot from the hip and it works for some. Glad you liked it.

Mona= it's all natural. No little blue pills, but the spinich is becoming more dear to my hear every year.

Good to know why they really called him Popeye, yeah?

K9 The chandelier is from Greece, but I am certain that those guys have been there.

Vixen~ Of course you would love it. It's right up your alley.

Cake~ You light up my life...

Aunty Belle said...

HO! Reckon I knowed somebody could not resist. Heh. The chandelier? Did'ja ever notice how many perfume bottles, or their tops is phallic shaped?

Does ya know Y is a vowel? AN in some cases, so is V.

NYD said...

Of course "Y" is known to me, but I can only come up with "v " in contractions, which doesn't count. Please enlighten me, Aunty:

Mona said...

OH that is such a laden name indeed!

Misplaced, do you know that in India the Hindus worship Shivalinga (Phallus & vagina).

It is the most worshiped 'image' amongst the Hindus.

leelee said...

Amazing. That Popeye comic...was referenced in a book I am reading now. Back in the 1930's there were "naughty" comic books called 8 pagers. In the book the writer references the Popeye 8 pagers...small world.


Serena said...

LOL! Just what I needed to see today.:D

puerileuwaite said...

I can't wait to see which one is chosen for in front of the George W. Bush Library!

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...