February 07, 2006

One long, cold ass day

Monday. Usually unlike most people I like Mondays, but today was different. I had to teach at Kahoku elementary, a really great school with very good teachers, but work is work and I wasn't too happy about waking up early or losing my day off.
we were a little over-excited about going to the festival cause we got there about four hours before the fireworks display. We especially wanted to see the fireworks show and that was scheduled to take place at 7:30. We got there at at around 3:00. so we had to find ways to kill about two hours time. We checked out all of the sculptures in less than 90 minutes and that was with taking things at a fairly slow pace and visiting the sheep house, a kind of petting zoo. All in all it was pretty cool we saw all the works in both the sunlight and at night and come to think of it all the transitions in between. It was fun, but cold, not arctic but maybe a sub-tropical There was an upside to the day. I got to keep a promise to my wife and after I got home and took a short nap we went the snow festival at Koiwai farm. Fantastic!!! It's been years since I've checked out the sculptures and even though they're targeted for children this year there were a few things that even big kids could enjoy.
Every once in a while you gotta stop taking life seriously and re-learn to look at the world through a child's eyes. It wasn't so difficult to do because everything at the festival was larger than life.
I think that after a couple of hours of
Siberian climate and turning into popsicles we were looking for refuge. If it weren't for the yummy bento that Mayumi made I would not have had the energy to make it through the day. Even that gave us a chance to be a little playful 'cause we forgot to bring chopsticks and had to improvise with an aluminum foil spoon and our fingers. If you want to see the pics we took check out the link below to hook up with our online album.

Talk again soon,


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Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...