August 11, 2008

Talkin to the past.

Bloggy note: This post ought to have been posted three days ago, but due to some carelessness on my part, it didn't occur. Better late than never- please enjoy the following foolishness to the best of your ability. I will try and get back on line and visit you folks as soon as I can. TTFN

Soon, very soon, here in Japan, those of us who live in the here and now will be communing with those who reside in the shadow realm.
It is OBON time again and I will be disappearing for the next week or so.
This year I have special reason to light the welcoming beacon and wait for the past to catch up with me.
Once again I will be doing my best to reconcile the world I was raised in; with the culture of my choice. It is a challenge to make the summer in Japan feel like it did when I lived in New York. First of all I plan on doing the traditional Bon Odori- a special dance that serves as a fertility rite and aphrodisiac. I am hoping the farmers will offer me their daughters . It has always been my dream to be breeding stock.

The festivities don't stop there!
I intend to engage in a very ritualistic event that involves the placement of a hard, spherical object into a designated receptacle. This is done with an assortment of tools all specially designed to ensure the exact placement of said dimpled sphere.
Some find this to be one of the highest religious events that can occur in one's life and it has been said that many a faith has been broken by unfavorable results.

Another incredible summer event will be the roasting of sacrificial animals over a bed of hot coals. A variety of meats, specially chosen, will be carefully prepared by the keepers of the holy ember. Here in Lilliput, there are men who believe that the outdoor cooking of meats, poultry and fish must engage in a fanatical discussion of the proper way to build the fire and condition the meats for consumption.
This must be washed down with copious amounts of very cold beverages containing a psychotropic element.
One must be careful when indulging in such festivities. Accidents have occur ed and many embarrassing moments have been recorded on film and distributed to the world via YouTube.

It all amounts to getting away from life's hairy bullshit and enjoying the heat and sunshine that comes with global warming.

I sincerely hope that all of you will do your very best to ditch work and enjoy the sultry, summer insanity


Anonymous said...

Sadly, my summer is essentially over - but have yourself a blast!

Mona said...

Strangely, we are having that kind of festival too, where all the souls of our dead 'travel' to us & appeal for prayers for their peace.

We pray the whole night for them & light lanterns to welcome them!

The night is called Shabe Baaraat!

Misplaced, have a good time with the dead...

The Grunt said...

As long as my balls sweat a gallon of water a day, it is still summer.

Too graphic?

moi said...

I love the idea of this festival! ENJOY! And, enjoy for others who can't. Sniff. I'll miss the last of my own dogs days of summer because I'll have my butt in my chair in front of my computer writing, writing, writing, for the next 2.5 weeks.

NYD said...

Hidee Hooo! I will have to answer your comments when I get back home and am posting from a familliar machine.

lime said...

mine's pretty much shot. but i hope you have fun!

Grant said...

Although I share with you the desire to personally help Japan overcome the declining population problem, you used the phrase "ttfn" and must therefore die. The Voodou wrath of Zorzan be upon thee.

Otherwise, have fun. =)

Allan said...

Enjoy the BBQ!

Megan said...

I'd like to learn golf someday. Hope you have a great time!

Ed & Jeanne said...

Excellent foolishness. I embrace foolishness so I can relate. In fact, I complete avoid all work. In fact, I'm going to go for a hike in the forest...

h said...

Now I know what Obon is. You probably should be encouraging the Japanese to accept the Good News about Christ Jesus rather than attending pagan rituals.

Kurt said...

Jesus loved fish and bread, I know that.

Anonymous said...

I have no words, it sounds incredibly beautiful. It reminds me of the festivals of my own Faith... Blessed be and have a wonderful time!

Carla said...

Sounds like great fun. Do enjoy and enlighten us with all embarrassing moments upon your return.

whimsical brainpan said...

I hope you have a great time. Sounds like an interesting festival. Good luck with the farmer's daughters.

puerileuwaite said...

Okay, I give. You're either running off to become a ninja for a week, or else they plan on stoning you to ensure a bountiful harvest. Ot perhaps Japan has it's own annual "Wicker Man" tradition. Maybe all three. Just try to leave me something valuable in your will.

Corn Dog said...

That video was something else. I think it was a joke. Sex with a picnic table?

Mona said...

Nyd, hope the dead have not claimed any life ( God forbid)

be back, alive & kicking! OK?

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that August is a month to remember the dead and to dance to their memory. I do hope it was fulfilling and that you received whatever answer you were seeking. Now for the virgins and procreating for the purpose of reproducing, please send all the notices here so I may laugh and thank the gods for answering my prayers.
Then again....

When the time is right and you and Crispy are blessed with the little angel I know God is waiting to send you, I pray she/he has your smile, her passion and patience and her eyes. I pray she has your ability to cook and her ability to build. Your ability to see the best in others and her ability to strong arm the ones that aren't so good. You're both very special people and deserve a full home.
My best to you both and the kitties.

Jenny said...

I look forward to hearing how it all went for you. I love the last line of your post: "enjoy the sultry, summer insanity."

amen to that!

Serena said...

Sounds like a great celebration. It's hard to believe summer will soon be over around here. Luckily for me, there haven't been many picnic table incidents this year.:)

Mona said...

me thinks, he has gone too deep into past.

Come on NYD, Jump, are gonna make it out of it!!

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...