" Scarecrow Festival"

This strange fellow's face is made from scrub brushes
Too bad it was a rainy day. Must be hard to breathe in there.
Can you tell which one is the scarecrow?

Gratuitous sex scene, enjoy!

This one was truly spooky.
I don't think he's gonna scare anyone.
Gone fishin'.
Be back in an hour or so.
You know how these things work.
I stole this from Lime who got it from another blogger who recieved it or created it or some such thing la di da.
I stole this from Lime who got it from another blogger who recieved it or created it or some such thing la di da.
This is the "Finish the sentence with the 1st thought that comes to your mind" meme.
I know....that there is still much that I remain ignorant of
I believe...in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent(not really), overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
I fought....way too much when I was younger.
I am angered....by everything these days
I love...for the sake of love.
I need...a breather
I take...it where I can get it
I hear... ya, baby. I hear ya!
I drink...the finest of whiskies every chance I get
I hate...stubidity
I use...a #2 pencil when doodling
I want...wealth beyond the dreams of avarice
I like...long stemmed American Beauty roses
I feel...fine. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine...repeat
I wear...boxers
I left...a whole lotta shit behind me
I do...everything once. If I like it I do it again!
I hope...I am not fucking things up too badly
I dream....a little dream of you
I drive...people crazy all the time
I listen...or at least I try to.
I type...like a pregnant duck!
I think....I am the best damned thing since instant noodles
I wish...you were here
I am...the walrus koo koo ka choo
I regret...I didn't tell her just how much I love her.
I care...about people.
I should...start thinking about my retirement.
I said...what I said and I MEANT it!!!
I wonder.... what's on the other side.
I changed...the side of the road I drive on when I moved here.
I cry...whenever its appropriate.
I lose... a couple of gazillion of brain cells every day.
I leave...no stone unturned.
This is the "Finish the sentence with the first WORD that comes to mind" meme.
Where is your cell phone? right next to me
Your significant other? Working out with Wii fit
Your hair? Hair? Fuck you!
Your mother? Gone, but not forgotten
Your father? A bastard of unbelievable proportions (the fruit don't fall far from the treeeeeee!)
Your favorite thing? My thing
Your dream last night? Best forgotten
Your favorite drink? Strong
Your dream goal? Immortality
The room you are in? Rectangular
Your ex? Far from my thoughts
Your fear? fucking things up
Where do you want to be in six years? Living
Where were you last night? Dreamscape
What are you not? What I expected I would be
Muffins? Tease!
One of your wish list items? Orgasms by the pound!
Where you grew up? The rotten core of the Big Apple
The last thing you did? Cook a fabulous dinner
What are you wearing? My wedding band
Your TV? Meditating
Your pets? One down and one to go
Your computer? On it's last legs
Your life? Could be better
Your mood? Well, I'm here, ain't I
Missing someone? Why do you ask
Your Car? Awesome
Something you are not wearing? A condom
Favorite store? Golf One
Your summer? Varied and exciting
Like someone? Which do tou mean Am I? or Do I?
Your favorite color? Black. No, Pink No, Black!
When was the last time you laughed? look at yesterday's post.
Last time you cried? Boys don't cry.
Hey...I recognized that Bull Durham quote!
Well, Goddamn VE. You ARE the Man!
That creation on the left (in the pics above) is bizarre. Long may it run.
I think the proper answer to every line in the first meme should be "Bunny!" Speaking of which, vo ist der bunny post? These scarecrows aren't the best masturbation material, but I'll make do.
I believe...in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent(not really), overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
amen! this shall be my new creed.
stars shining bright above you...night breezes seem to whisper i love you. while i'm alone and blue as can be...dream a little dream of me. yeah, probably my all time favorite song...
i'm glad you stole this meme. i like what you did with it.
btw, is that "creed" the bull durham thing? i never saw the movie but after reading ve, i have this vague sense of impending embarrassment...
I like the panda/kitty scarecrow.
Allan~ Which one?
Grant~ Such impatience! I will give you the choice: one bunny now or the fall collection later on. Which is it going to be.
Lime~ Annie Savoy (Susan Sarandon)has the female soliliquyhere.
Citizen~ That's curlicue, my wife's idiot cat.
She really is a pain in the ass, but very photogenic.
Probably like models all over the world.
Great pics!
I think my comment got lost. I hesitate to say it again though, in case it suddenly shows up and I look like a dummy.
Those scarecrows are scary.
I like your answers.
Hey NYD. You there? Looks like my nephew is going to Iwakuni the first of the year. I have no clue where that is. Are you near there?
If those are my choices, I'll hold out for the fall collection and just use your profile pic in the meantime.
Dear Pregnant duck, I just had a delivery ( at Lime's) Believe me, you are going to have an excruciating time ( sneer)!
I believe, that all belief is theoretical!
you MEAN that you are a Walrus?
I wonder what Walrus meat tastes like...
I've always been scared of scarecrows. There might be something wrong with me.:)
Kurt~ Thank you sir. Such kindness and approbation are always appreciated.
Megan~ Do not fear redundancy. It has the power to keep governments afloat, the military in business, news programs interesting and comedy writers employed.
Corn Dog~ Hey! Nice to see you're still spreading sunshine.
Sorry, Yamaguchi is about as far as you can get from me withou leaving the island. That doesn't mean much though; Japan is so small that he could probably reach me on one of his morning runs. Semper Fi?
Grant~ If I use my picture for what I plan to do. My wife would cut my nuts off faster than you could say Ginsu Knife!
Megan~ Do not fear redundancy. It has the power to keep governments afloat, the military in business, news programs interesting and comedy writers employed.
Mona~ I was at lime's place earlier and have already seen the baby. Lucky You! You'll be in the movie while I'll be eating popcorn.
I have always believed that walrus meat is good and flavorful. Many have agreed with me, but recently my wife has lost her taste for it. Maybe I can give you a taste and you can tell me what you think.
SJ~ Actually, aside from the comedic ones that I posted, some of the others were truly spooky. They have to be. The crows here are fuckin enormous! They're like Austrailian dingos!
that is the tragic part. A Walrus would not survive by the time it reaches a HOT country like India ( & I refuse to move out) & I wouldn't want to eat the meat of a long dead & rotted Walrus!
I didn't say yamaguchi. I said this word Iwakuni. Is it the same? I think we are in for a world of hurt. We are bunch of rednecks, having never left the country and now my nephew is headed for Japan. I went to England when I was 9 only because my Dad ran off with his secretary. Long story. THat doesn't count. I'm going to Japan. I think. I'm very nervous about it. And yes it is Semper Fi, the little idiot. Thank God he didn't get sent to Iraq. My brother says he's not going to Japan but I am. I have to see. I think. If I can maintain my nerve. I think there is some base housing or something like that. A dorm.
& besides, I always make sure that I love what I eat. It has to cater to MY taste!
Mona~ The walrus would not melt, rot nor decompose in any way. Rancid is what lesser beings devolve into.
Now when you talk of love and conformity that is quite another story and a different argument.
Corndog~ Sorry for being so unclear.
Iwakuni is a city in Yamaguchi prefecture (state) it is famous for at least two things a really old bridge and a Marine base.
If you take a map of Honshu, the main island, and draw a line from Iwakuni city towards the northernmost area you will probably pass though where I live when you get an inch or so from the top.
If you do come to Japan, let me know. I am more than willing to show people around my corner of the world.
As a legal representative of Stephen King, I spotted what appears to be the unauthorized use of his "Malachi" character from "Children of the Corn" (Photo #6, on left). Please cease and desist.
Walrus meat...LOL! You slay me- I laughed like I was reading naughty notes between teenagers :)
Thanks- I needed that :)
And I loved the meme's- I might do it- although I worry it will get too personal to post.
We'll see~
Interesting scarecrows. I almost expected at least one of them to look like Ray Bolger.
I wouldn't call Brooklyn the rotten core of the Big Apple. I think Staten Island has the better claim to that.
I also think Oswald acted alone. I don't think anyone helped him drink that Coca Cola on the second floor as shots rang out:-)
Could use a few of those scare crows in my yard. Great snaps.
yeah I have problem with those crows NOW!
Move them down!
Love the scarecrows! Although, I encourage the crows who live in my neighborhood. They have quite the intricate little society going, complete with fascinating comings and goings and what I have so far identified as a half dozen different vocalizations.
Great. The gub'ment has reduced Moi to talking to birds.
PINK!!! You said it. you can't fool me. Black my ass.
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