October 22, 2008

I feel like the Ty-D-Bowl man

Can anyone tell me why the days have turned so damned shitty after a perfectly wonderful weekend?

Murphy's law just doesn't cover this. It can probably be better explained by the law of conservation of energy. The bullshit was always there, but because of the extreme imbalance of the system in one direction, the return to a state of equilibrium insists a balancing oscillation towards the opposite end of the spectrum be necessary. I believe I will return when homeostasis has been achieved.

And I still haven't made my Halloween costume yet!


Serena said...

I find that this is pretty much the normal state of existence. I think it must be one of those little-known Laws of Nature. Hope you get your equilibrium back PDQ.:)

Megan said...

Best of luck. I haven't made my costume yet either. In fact, I haven't even made the costume decision yet.

Definitely an Eeyore day today...

lime said...

ack, wish i had an answer to that question. maybe the flush could be more controlled that way.

moi said...

Because that's how you know you had a wonderful weekend. It's that compare/contrast thing: good/evil, republitard/demobrat, Crocs/Louboutins, awesome weekend/crap weasel week. So, you could revel in the fact that you at least know the difference?

Mona said...

The DAYS have not turned shitty dear, The season of YOUR MIND has turned shitty.Control those hormones that control moods!

Allan said...

I wish I knew. Sometimes it seems as if every joyful, positive minute has an opposite but grossly inequal hour. Or week. Or month.

Grant said...

Things like that reinforce my faith that the world is run by anarchy and the gods of irony are in ascension. I take great comfort in the randomness of the universe because it means that all the bad things that happen to me aren't my fault.

And you're following your own blog now? Isn't that like masturbation, by which I mean fun and cheap?

Kurt said...

Our fall here lasted about a week, now it's 47 degrees.

puerileuwaite said...

This must be a Japanese phenomenon. It never happens here.

Ming the Merciless said...

And Little Red Riding Hood said, "Oh my, what big nose you have!"


Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...