I am going to China.
I am leaving this Sunday and will return sometime in the future.
I will visit my friend He is not Chinese, but his girlfriend is. They are very nice people.
Maybe I will see a panda...Maybe not.
I will eat a lot of Chinese food, except it will just be called food there.
I hope to take many pictures .
I want to stand on the great wall.
I will try to speak to people an gesticulate to make my point.
I want to get a copy of Chairman Mao's little red book in English or Braille.
There is nothing else. I am going to China and that is that.
my dad envies you. he was supposed to go to china on business last week and his trip got canceled. he is not a happy man.
sure hope you are and i hope you have a great time. may i ask why you want the book in braille?
Bunnies! If you meet any who are looking to escape China to marry a middle-classed American, send her my way.
We had a hot Chinese woman in our neighborhood who owned a liquor store, but before I could marry her she escaped America and went home.
Sweet! Can't wait for the photos!
China is an interesting place. I anticipate many fascinating stories upon your return.
Lime~ Just wanted to 'feel' what it was like to live in China when Mao was running the show.
(Actually I write stuff like that to see if anyone notices. Congratulations!)
Grant~ Sorry, my friend. No souveniers this time.
Megan~ Me too!
Carla~ I have been waiting for this for a very loooong time. Lets see if it lives up to expectations
Sachin~Thank you for the wonderful invitation. I will put visiting your blog at the top of my new years resolutions list. See you in January.
what a wonderful 10 lines essay on Baby's day out to China on a Friday! :). At least it is better than 55ve words!
I will stand on the top of Mount Everest and wave to you from there! :D
what a wonderful 10 lines essay on Baby's day out to China on a Friday! :). At least it is better than 55ve words!
I will stand on the top of Mount Everest and wave to you from there! :D
Wow, that sounds like a fabulous trip! Be safe and have a wonderful time. Bring back lots of pictures, please.
Enjoy your trip and don't forget to post some photos.
I'd like to get a copy of Chairman Mao's little black book.
how exciting. i envy you - i love culture shock and havent experienced it in some time. i love how it makes you super alert - i bet standing on the great wall will be like that. grrherhahaha. have a great time; looking forward to the photos.
I was in China.
I went and left last summer.
I didn't visit anyone but I saw a lot of Chinese people.
I saw all 4 pandas at the Beijing Zoo.
I ate their Chinese food, but I think NYC Chinese food is WAY better.
I took some pictures.
I stood at the Great Wall.
I can speak rudimentary Chinese with further explanations in sign language.
I have a red book by my bedside but it isn't by Mao.
I look forward to your ruminations on the difference between the Chinese and Japanese martial arts...
Not sure what your expectations are...but many a story you will bring home to be sure.
And I too went on a long trek to find Mao's little red book in English. Gift for a very good friend.
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