Went for a ride on my motorbike this morning. Bright sunny morning with just a hint of Autumn in the air. Good for the soul. Good for the mind and body too. One of the best ways to unravel the knots of tension that form in your mind is to do something that you can do well. The feeling of confidence and relaxation is bettered by very few things in life.
Since I live among the mountains, the magnificent vistas that unravel before my eyes on a ride can be truly breathtaking. I mean that in the literal sense. Can you imagine travelling through the twists and turns of a country road, totally focused on the curves and sound of your machine as she works her way up and down the gears. You feel the road rise and take you forward, you reach into the gearbox and pull out as much power as the machine can deliver. The vibration tells you that all is in perfect harmony as you crest the hill and are greeted by a rolling lush plateau of verdant undergrowth and tress that are showing the barest tinge of rouge.
Summer is gone and now my thought are steerring me towards winter. Before the tress fully turn and create a landscape of intense, calico carpeting I have got to get through my semi annual cleaning. There is so much stuff that must be seperated into the "truly necessary" and "Junk" piles. There is also a blog that needs to be taken down since I haven't posted anything there for quite some time.
What do you like to do to clear out the cobwebs and clean up the flotsam that flows through life? I'll try to keep in touch over the weekend.
Booze and J-hotties keep me sharp.
I don't have a feather duster, but I do have a leather duster from Harley-Davidson that looks good on a bike, as long as you don't ride one of those sissified Japanese things.
I remember a country road that would truly take your breath away. When you crested the hill, you suddenly saw that the road took an abrupt 90 degree turn with no warning signs or rails to keep you from plowing into the field in front of you. Fortunately, I was uncharacteristically driving the speed limit and managed to stop before leaving the pavement.
It was 59 degrees this morning in NYC, and it smelled like Autumn. Nice.
can i be a passenger next time? that really does clear out the cobwebs. i so need to get my bike endorsement...sigh...
Sounds like a wonderful way to clear out the cobwebs. You do have such beautiful scenery in your part of the world.
you would need a witches' magic broom for that...
...or go inwards & sort out through 'watching'
That is one of the best things you have said...doing what one does best does boost confidence. I guess that is one key I will keep in mind & follow! Thanks!
Unfortunately, one of the things I do best is sleep. Although I suppose that is the ultimate battery recharge, yeah?
I thought autumn had come but it lied. But supposedly it's coming back this weekend (fingers crossed!).
Take a drive in Clyde, play my guitars, shoot skeet, flip people off, go on hikes.
I wish I had a motorcycle, or even the health to use one... It would be divine! Say, this is off topic, but you may be able to read something for me... If you could, would you look at my teapot and tell me if you can translate what it says? Its in this post: [link] I'm not sure if its Chinese or Japanese because the lady who owns the store is Chinese but she sells things that are from both countries...
Hands in the dirt for me - weeding, planting, pruning, mulching - it makes me feel connected to the earth and at peace.
Thank you! With a combination of your help and a strong tenacity - I have located the tea set online as well as the artist's name! Here: [link] {{{{HUGE HUGS}}} and thx for the HK Founder happiness too :D I am SO excited!!!
I like taking photos to clear out the cobwebs. That and long walks on a windy day by the ocean.
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