December 10, 2008

Looks like another lump of coal again

As Christmas makes it way toward us and people begin to feel the holiday spirit I believe that it's truly important to re-evaluate our lives to discover that, which not only provides us with intense satisfaction, but also makes the world a much, much better place

Babes, Booze, Cash and Partying!
This holiday season forget the charitable feeling and have yourself a good 'ol time.
Go out and score yourself some dope, stock up on booze plenty of booze.
The party ends when the juice stops flowing!

Don't forget to invite the
boring, rich uncle to finance the whole thing. Besides you can always use him for an ice run and to help you with the inevitable day-after clean-a-thon .
Don't waste that hard earned, devalued cash on someone else. Treat yourself selfishly this year.
If you really feel the need to have the Christmas spirit around you this holiday season.
You don't have to invite Santa. Not unless he's bringing a better bag of toys to play around with
I want my year end party to turn out this way. Hey! isn't that Mr.T in the background?

What's on your Christmas list?


puerileuwaite said...

I was going to wish for world peace and goodwill toward all. But these items are so much better!

Megan said...

You had me until the last one. :)

NYD said...

Pug~ I just knew you were going to like this one.

Megan~ Feeel free to switch the babes for beefcake, but don't expect me to come by to sing carols.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna start dropping codeine pills tomorrow and not stop until my next doctor appointment, wait, I won't stop then either, nevermind!

It'll sure make the holidays interesting, this will be my first year being legally whacked throughout ;-)

NYD said...

Jgrrl= "Legally" {Grin}

Kurt said...

Ever since I lost my affection for the things of this world, I stopped making an Xmas list. Can Santa make me young and enthusiastic again?

NYD said...

Kurt~ If Santa can't do it for you the folks at Pfizer are more than willing to help

Grant said...

This year I hope to give myself the gift of bunny (specifically a certain Chinese waitress).

moi said...

Whirled peas and shoes.

Enemy of the Republic said...

Unlike Pug, I care about world peace, feeding the starving children, kindness to dogs--oh hell, just get me through this Christmas---I am tired of what it has become.

thanks for your excellent comment on my blog, friend. I'm a little out of commission, but hope to be back in full force soon.

Yes, that is Mr. T.

As K9 showed, we must all bow down to Santa or face our doom.

Allan said...

Christmas. Ouch.

Mona said...

I hate money wasting on festivals. In India we have one too many!

Carla said...

Looks like you'll have yourself a very merry time if you get your wishes. My list...gonna have to think about that.

Tracy Lynn said...

I want a trunk for my Vespa. And also, cookies.

Megan said...

P.S. - Down here at the bottom of the page and I would love to find out my "aristocratic title" but the link appears to be defunct. :(

Ming the Merciless said...


So I don't have to prostitute myself to pay the mortgage.

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...