December 05, 2008

Sad Sack

I know a guy who goes out every year and picks up something new to tweak his snowboard set up. It might be something as small as a new stomp pad or moderately priced like new goggles or major such as a brand new Burton deck. The newness gives him a feeling of confidence that just isn't justified by his performance on the slopes. This same guy will spend an incredible amount of money on titanium or carbon MTB parts to lighten his bike by a couple of grams when all he needs to do to achieve the same result is to avoid shoving a burrito down his gullet or inhaling the family sized bag of Doritos.

Why do we feel the need to search for external fixes to our problems when maybe the answers could be found within ourselves?

Because it's a whole helluvalot easier, that's why!!!

The end of another year is quickly and stealthily creeping upon us like a jaguar stalking a capibara and along with the holidays, celebration and good cheer, comes no small amount of remorse for the events and mistakes of the past year. This leads to those damned resolutions that lack anything efficacious and quite possibly make things worse when we fail to live up to some ridiculous goal that was not only unattainable it was unnecessary as well.

Many people would agree that much of what we do goes positively unnoticed and unrewarded. That's why I believe we ought to have a mutual appreciation society that follows us around and graciously notices the fine and wonderful contributions to the world around us. Of course we would have to reciprocate and allay the fears of
others in our group that life is swallowing them up, getting ready to suck out the juice and spit out the bones.

Wait that sounds a lot like blogging.

That's why I'm here. I just ripped off eight pages of my page a day calender. The week has freakin disappeared on me and I don't know where it's gone. I haven't been able to spare a moment to do anything other than skim through the occasional post yet somehow the comments on my one lousy weekly pic post seem to keep growing, providing me with emotional and spiritual support throughout the week.
I'm not knocking being busy. Busy and productive are truly great things. I wake up with great expectations and earn that cocktail at the end of the day. Yet It's not possible to keep doing this without some kind of incentive.

I really am going to have to find a reason to do half the things I do


moi said...

The struggle to suss out life's meaning and my purpose in the great, grinding scheme of things is what gets me up in the morning. That and, well, shoes.

Grant said...

Look - bunny!

Anonymous said...

I do that with my gadgets, always buying new bits or adding new programs...

Megan said...

Yep, another week has just disappeared that I can't ever get back. Now I have to carry the undone part of the to-do list over into the next week. Again. And I'm no good at math...

Jenny said...

That's a great explanation of why blogging has become an essential part of my life - because it allows me to pause for just a moment and think/feel about where I am at that moment.

My resolution is to have no resolutions this year....we'll see how that works out.

Enjoy that cocktail tonight - it sounds as if you've earned it.

puerileuwaite said...

You CHANGED man! I USED to be reason enough!

NYD said...

Moi~ That's jst about perfect. Purpose gets you out of bed and the shoes get you out into the world.

Grant~ Seriously. Bunnies everywhere!

JGrrl~ That's what you need just to maintain an even strain

Megan~ I just hope that your 'to do' list has my name on it.

Boxer~ I think I blog because I don't have anything better to do.

Pug~ Jeez, you sound like my wife, man!

The Grunt said...

I've got a friend like that too.

Megan said...

Cold shower time...

Kurt said...

Another week gone and all I did was go to Egypt.

Mona said...


lime said...

i have a friend who says awareness and gladness are the only virtues. if more people were aware and glad, there'd be that mutual adoration for everyone. i don't mean the kind that rewards every meaningless act with a sticker on the chart or applause or whatever, but the kind that looks beneath the surface to affirm the deepest things.

Aunty Belle said...

Ah...this is a big ole can o' worms ya opened. Doan wanna stick my fork in that can too deep, but a post modern world that teaches nothin' mean anything really, is one whar' folks become walkin' automatons.

Ain't no wonder the young'uns go to cuttin' on theyselves as if to say,
"Am I really real ? Is I here or not?"

Fortunately, that nihilistic idiocy ain't the truth of it.

I reckon we blog cause folks natcherly wanna reach out an' make some connection wif' another real thang--an' some has said to me that they blogger buddies seem more real than the folks in the same room wif' em.

Ain't that interestin'? Mayhap we's more "real" behind a cyber screen than we allow ourselves to be in real-time? I'ownt know.

Well, 'nuff deep amuse yore self come over an see how I done exposed Uncle cause I'se miffed wif' him.

Anonymous said...

For each day we wake to a world of sunny or rainy days, of birds singing and cats screeching for someone to listen or days of waking and gazing into the eyes of the one that made your heart take an extra beat. Whatever the thing was that made you or anyone get up and moving is still there in front of you. All you need to do is reintroduce yourself to that one feeling and let faith, fate and the inner spirit guide you. You might find that when you look into the mirror on those days you'll actually find yourself smiling again.
Sending Love and hugs


Allan said...

Ask questions later.

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...