April 07, 2009

Cash up front

I miss out on a lot of blogger's posts nowadays because I have become lazy. Instead of using the dropdown list dohickey in my side bar I often go to many blogs via the dashboard and the list of blogs I follow.
Now I really wish that those of you who haven't added that silly little widget to your page do so immediately, so I can find out when you post and then be better able to leave some kind of inane comment.
Oficially or not, spring is here. I played my first round of golf yesterday and although there were still patches of snow to be seen and the fairway wasn't a lush green color, I still enjoyed walking through the rolling hills of my local country club. Chasing after a little white ball with the intention of smashing it further down the fairway gives me plenty of time to consider the world and my part in it.

I have been spending an inordinate amount of time trying to figure just why I do the things I do. My motivations for the actions I take are fuzzy at best and more often than not, confounding.
The reason that I have been worrying over these problems is that, starting today and for the next four weeks, I am going to be interwiewed on a weekly radio program to give insights into a foreigner's life here in Lilliput. The DJ, a good buddy of mine, is a pretty sharp guy, so I don't think that he'll be asking me about my favorite foods or if I like Japanese women. One day I will have to do a post about the ten or so stupid questions every Gaijin gets asked.
I also get to choose the music for the program and that will be good. I like the lyrics to many of Johnny Cash's songs, but "I walk the line" is one that seems to strike the deepest chord of late. It gets me to look a little bit closer at myself and hopefully gives me an opportunity to make sense of my constant confusion. I need music to keep my feet moving and my fingers snappin', but I also want tunes that make me stop in my tracks and reveal another side of human emotion and experience. I may not know what motivates me, but I do know that when I need some kind of stimulus, good music gets me goin better than just about anything.

How about you?

...You've got a way to keep me on your side
You give me cause for love that I can't hide
For you I know I'd even try to turn the tide
Because you're mine,
I walk the line


Beth said...

I don’t “do” widgets and thing-a-ma-jigs for just anybody! (And your comments are not inane.)
I can both lose and find myself in good music. A win-win situation.
Best of luck with the interviews.

lime said...

i very much want to see the list of 10 questions very gaijin gets asked.

music does it for me. so does an ambling walk. i am realizing how jammed my head has been lately simply because i haven't had a chance to do my ambling walks in interesting areas.

Kurt said...

I never change or add to my blog template. I don't know how to follow someone. I don't know what widgets are.

Jenny said...

I love J.Cash. Thanks for the nice show today.

h said...

What widget? I try to keep my side-bar free of annoying and/or useless stuff.

Johnny Cash was a sublime choice and not just because I like him. His music is appropo for the subject of the show.

leelee said...


Mona said...

You are confused about confusion? That sounds like a double jeopardy by Life!

All the answers are in simple things...

The answers my friend, are floating in the wind.... ( someone sang that, I don't remember who...)

moi said...

Johnny Cash rules. And music makes the world go 'round. I'd be lost without it. As would the titles of my blob posts. So, will you be posting audio of the radio interview?

Anonymous said...

I'm still computer stupid, so mentioning widgets and whatchamacallits are still foreign to me. BUT!!! I do wish you luck with the radio program and hope that with all the high tech we have you'll post that as you have Johnny Cash. I would love to hear what you have to say and what those questions might be... Glad to see you're keeping up with the writing and looking forward to more pictures of you and others.

Thanks for being you.


Sam said...

Did you know that they don't need a "follow me" widget for you to get the updates? And it doesn't just have to be blogger -- in the dashboard reader there should be a "manage" button and somewhere there is an "add" and you can add ANY blog that has an RSS feed by pasting in that blog's main URL...

I've gotten all moved by the way, and its beautiful, at least I think so anyways :-)

The Grunt said...

Cash is great. Take it easiest, man.

Anonymous said...

Been thinking of you and that kilt...lot's of luck (and fun!) with the interview.

Allan said...

Music gets me through.

puerileuwaite said...

I wonder if he ever sang it during a DUI stop. Because it would be SO cool if he did.

Sassy Blondie said...

Love. Him. Love. This.

The Java Junkie said...

Good music does indeed provide an excellent spark, and Johnny Cash (and specifically Walk the Line) is among my musical favorites. When I'm feeling thoughty, I also seek out Leonard Cohen, John Lennon, Jim Morrison and Bob Marley. If I want to retreat completely into myself, I usually turn to Mozart, Chopin, Ravel or Vaughn-Williams.

I love your posts.

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...