May 23, 2009

Two steps behind.

I am, at best, always a little behind the times.

This is not a joke.

Nor is it a problem.

There are times when everything is like walking on the bottom of a pool. It's all so muddled and all movement is sluggish and over-exaggerated with a huge amount of effort producing very little forward progress, but it's also nice and quiet down here. Sure, life is hectic at times, but that just allows me to better appreciate the moments when it all slows down and I am once again viewing the world through molasses goggles.
Been tryin to work my way out of a bad patch recently and not doing a very good job of it. It's the usual stuff: worrying about my future, work, money, happiness, money, satisfaction, once again; money, marriage, more and more money and of course sex. Ya know, the whole ball of wax wrapped up in plain brown paper.

Then about a week ago I happened onto something called Penn & Teller's Bullshit. Now I am pretty certain that this is old news to you, but don't forget that I live in Lilliput and we still milk cows by hand and churn our own butter. This show is pretty fuckin' awesome. Not only was it entertaining and enlightening it also got me to once again taking a closer look, for the umpteenth time, at some of the bullshit I have layered my life with.

Somewhere along the fine line I walk, I had forgotten about being able to tell shit from shinola. It was both refreshing and humorous to see the ways these guys debunked all kinds of Bullshit.

Now fertilizer has it's uses. When we are sowing thoughts and doing deeds there is a fair amount of manure needed to get things going, but as plants and flowers begin to grow and flourish it becomes more important to prune and trim.

I don't know how many times I written a post like this. One where I resolve to clean up my act and start acting like a mature human being. I leave all kinds of messages around to remind me of what's good and important in life, but after a while I start to stray and the darned cycle starts over again.

I like being slow. This way when life hits a brick wall there ain't too much damage. A few dings that need some body work, but the chassis is fine.

I think I'll go out for a drive today,

See ya!


Megan said...

Slow and steady wins the race. It works with the sex thing, too. At least that's what I've heard. The money, well...

Beth said...

Unlike yourself, life seems to have a tendency to speed up for me – especially when things are not going well. Or I think it does – I feel a sense of urgency, a need to fix it all quickly. Never works.
Either way – slow or fast – I think the best bet is to come to a complete stop and contemplate what the hell is going on/wrong.
And always try to enjoy “the drive.”

lime said...

there is value in being slower than the breakneck pace around me. it was one of the things i loved about trinidad. things were just naturally slow so there was no pressure to keep up.

Enemy of the Republic said...

I'm a bit like Beth. Yet I still end up two steps behind--but wait, maybe we are supposed to be two steps behind. Maybe it's all for a reason. Ah, hell, I don't know--this is what teaching does to my fried brain!

Enemy of the Republic said...

I'm a bit like Beth. Yet I still end up two steps behind--but wait, maybe we are supposed to be two steps behind. Maybe it's all for a reason. Ah, hell, I don't know--this is what teaching does to my fried brain!

NYD said...

Megan~ I have been struggling with money all my life. I wish that once, just once, we all get to be rewarded for the amazing amount of energy we put into our daily existance.

Beth~ I would like to put things in 'park', but that just isn't copacetic. We are tumbling, bumbling, travelling forward and whether things seem fast or slow we will have to accommodadte the moment and do what we need to do to 'get back in gear'.

Lime~ I would love to "be liming" right about now.
P.S. The tie dyes are totally cool!

NME~ It's so nice, you have to say it twice!

Teaching actually has been clearing things up these days. I have fabulous sudents...

Grant said...

There's a P&T episode where the religious fundies push through teaching creationism in the classroom. I'm proud to say that happened where I live. And it happened after they got pushed out of Utah, because the Mormons weren't extreme enough.

Any room for me in Lilliput? I'll bet the Japanese women sound really cute trying to pronounce that one.

Anonymous said...

As long as you are moving in the right direction, I'm not sure the speed really matters.

Serena said...

After traveling a long and rocky road, I've reached the conclusion that muddled is a good thing.:)

lime said...

i think you'd make a good limer ;)

The Grunt said...

I'm good at saving money and staying out of debt, but I am horrible at making any.

I plan to stay grunty the rest of my life, whether people like it or not!

Mona said...

Life , like sex and food, is best enjoyed as slow...

If you are at ease...god damn those runners...

NYD said...

Bunnylord~ There is room for everyone in Lilliput, but only the serioulsy deranged may apply.

Citizen~ How did you get so "put together" You often seem to have everything well balanced out.

S.J. Being muddled with you is like having the Hubble telescope glued to my eyes

Lime~ Thanks. That means a lot!

Grunt~ If you are treading then you certainly ain't drowning. Forget the chattel be Grunty!

Mona~ you make everything seem so sensual and simple. You are YUM!!!

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...