June 26, 2009

Well, you know it ain't easy

I, like you, am just trying to do the right thing.
I got my part to play and eventhough it's all constant improvisation I am trying to make my way to the final curtain call without flubbing too many lines and missing the mark.

I had to vent, but at the present I cannot tell you why. I know that it's kinda infantile to "run outside" and scream profanities in public if you don't have tourettes, but it does make you feel a little better.

I'm Leaving the city for the weekend. Gonna play in the dirt and chase a little white ball around the mountainside. I am looney tunes!

Thanks for your patience and we will be back as right as rain.

Same Bat time. Same Bat channel. "Say hello to my little feet"


NYD said...

Gumby still wants all of you to be happy.

lime said...

hello little feet. i hope the golf therapy is just what the doctor ordered.

Kurt said...

Oh, golf! I couldn't figure that out. I thought they didn't let white people on the golf course in Japan.

secret agent woman said...

Oh, I get that. I've dome my share of ambious posts because I just had to but wasn't able to actually say what was going on. So, whatever it is, be well.

The Grunt said...

Thanks for the Tourettes link. I wasted an hour of my Saturday watching clips of those on Youtube.

Mona said...

why? what did the little white ball do to you?

Serena said...

Hello, feet. Be fleet for NYD so he can enjoy his R&R, now.

Megan said...

I hope you were rejuvenated.

Anonymous said...

Hello little feet.....::::chuckling-snickering-gafaw-snorting:::: Little feet that's a good one, lol. Hope all is well and the digging is easy.

(love from NY)


X. Dell said...

I'm glad my name's not Ben. Of course, saying what you did to someone named Ben Dover is particularly appropriate, don't you think?

From my experience, whacking at a little white ball often results in screaming profanities, not to mention irons wrapped around the necks of others.

Mayden' s Voyage said...

I hope you had a great time :) I try not to run outside and scream profanities when I'm frustrated, but I am fairly well known for singing along with my Ipod when I'm working out...which has the same effect as screaming I'm afraid :)
Hugs and Happy 4th of July- almost :)

Jenny said...

It's always for the soul to run bare foot in the dirt.

Have a great weekend.

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...