July 02, 2009

Bang! You're dead.

Look I know that I am making up for lost time here and it seems like I am doing a quick cut and paste to produce a post and keep you all visiting.
Well, that's not too far from the truth. I do want to keep you interested in the exploits and thoughts of a Thoroughly Misplaced Man in Japanland without the 140 word restriction I have recently subscribed to.

In the six months since I purchased the computer I am presently writing this post with, there has been an incredible influx of information pouring into my life via the stupid information highway. I have watched the equivalent of three or four years of TV, a slew of movies- some that haven't even made their way across the ocean to my adopted hometown yet, I am taking online guitar lessons (They really work Check this guy out.) and of course doing my best to keep up with you folks in the Blogger nation. I tweet too. Go here now to check me out .
Mostly all of this all occurs well after I have taken care of my daily responsibilities; which are considerable. I was disturbed by the news of Jeff Goldblum's demise in New Zealand. After all, I have friends there and I would hate to associate them with the death of one of my favorite actors. Then there was Jeff's response to his own death and I was amazed at how graciously he accepted it.
Is there a limit to the amount of things one can successfully do in a day, a week, a year?
I feel constantly overwhelmed by the amount of things I do not know- as well as the myriad things I cannot do well; yet. I think that it's a little more than strange to have reached my present age and still creave new experiences. New Knowledge, skills and possibly a whole new start in life. Is this male menopause???
More shit to come real soon....


NYD said...

I have to apologise for the fact that I don't often respond to your comments. You see, I am so enthralled with 'My Name is Earl' The white trash equivalent of 'Kung Fu' that I spend most of my time contemplating my karmic balance sheet... I'm in serious debt.

Enemy of the Republic said...

You never have to apologize to me. Live your life and blog when you can.

Grant said...

I count 5 recent celebrity deaths - Ed McMahon, Farrah Fawcett, Michael Jackson, Billy Mays (sp?), and now Jeff Goldblum. There goes the whole three's theory, unless another death is on the way. I'm hoping for Paris Hilton.

Kurt said...

I love JG. He had a TV show last year called Raines that was very entertaining, but it was canceled.

Anonymous said...

It's funny how they can show such a report, especially with the man standing right there. I guess he'll be making an appearance on ghost whisperers before his final good byes,lol. In the meantime keep up your blogging here, I love reading whatever you have to say, good, bad, up or down they're all significant of your experiences and adventures at the other side of the world.


Megan said...

I am beginning to accept (just beginning, mind you!) that I will never know all I want to know or do all I want to do. I'd accept it with much better grace if I could get back my 23 yr old body, though.

Priyanka Sarkar said...

Its my first visit to your blog...and I must add there's a thing about your post that makes me want to revisit it:)

Serena said...

I really don't think it's male menopause, hon. I say that because I freely admit there's way more I don't know than I do know. And I'm pretty sure I don't have male menopause. So there you have it.:)

Carla said...

Please just give me a few more hours in the day.

secret agent woman said...

I think it would be stranger (or at least, sadder) not to crave new expereinces. I don't know how old you are, but at 46 - and NOT in menopause, thank you - I love learning and doing new things. I hope that never stops.

lime said...

may i just say i love jeff goldblum. the man just makes me laugh in so many good ways.

still craving new experiences? i count that as a virtue. i hope to maintain that outlook until i take my last breath.

Mona said...

It could be what they call midlife crisis in men...

That is doing a lot of things. My son learns guitar too online. It really works!

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...