July 08, 2009

Dog Days?

Click to increase the amount of ennui in your life.

Things, and by that I mean work school and all the hairy bullshit in between, have become way too busy for my tastes.
I ought to be in "countdown" mode! University finals are coming up in at the end of the month and shortly after that Obon -The Japanese version of thanksgiving, but here, half of the guests are the spirits of family ancestors. makes it kinda hard to argue about a drumstick or cranberry sauce.

This is supposed to be a time to wind down and take things at a much slower pace. I figure that a snail would look pretty swift to me if I had my way. I wanted to rumble along at speeds matching the Pacific tectonic plate.

This might sound a little bit geeky, but I will publicly admit that I am looing forward to the upcoming Harry Potter movie. It will a good chance to get my wife out of the house and into a cocktail or two. You can't go dancing after a HP movie. the cloaks and wand holsters get in the way and the wizard hats just look out of place. Besides traipsing around yelling out "Whatchyamacalla" or "Expectotoratum Mucosa congealeum" isn't hip anymore.

As always, even if I donot respond to your comments, they are very much appreciated and a large part of my daily happymaking.

One last note. A truly erudite blogger, X-Dell has put something together that will amaze and entertain you. Go check it out, now.


Serena said...

Obon sounds pretty neat. And listen, I personally don't see anything wrong with running around yelling "Whatchyamacalla!" Beats some of the stuff I've been running around yelling.:)

Megan said...

I don't mind publicly admitting I'm looking forward to the new HP! Although, I will not be giving the offspring any cocktails.

Can't believe the year is more than half over already. Where'd I leave my Time-Turner, dammit? Someone has hacked it and is spinning me too fast into the future...

moi said...

We women appreciate being taken out and slipped into a cocktail every now and then. You know that, of course, but I was just reinforcing it in your brain. There's a word for that, but I forget what it is.

Kurt said...

I would not want to go up against that class. They look like trouble.

lime said...

i am thinking yelling that mucosa incantation could cause its own problems. hoping things slow down for you soon and you get to enjoy a bit of leisure.

Grant said...

You're "looing forward" to the HP movie? Sounds like you have a delightful evening planned on the toilet. Sounds like me and my condition.

I'll be seeing it in IMAX format, of course. We have lots of tech stuff here, unlike that place you're in. I'm judging Japan based on my Japanese teacher, who is younger than me but completely tech ignorant.

NYD said...

SJ~ Yeah, I guess work or at least a bad working environment can push you over the edge.

Megan~ I lost my time turner waaay back when, but I still have Tina Turner and the Turner news.

Moi~ Not very subliminal of you.

Kurt~ With a Capital "T" and that rhymes with "P" and that stands for pool!

Lime~ Glad you mentioned that. I worked hard on that particular incantation.

Grant~ I always believed they could have found a better bunny for Harry.

X. Dell said...

Ah. She wouldn't happen to be a Star Wars and Star Trek fan too, would she? That way, you could triple your exemptions from post-dinner dancing.

secret agent woman said...

I can hardly wait for the new HP movie. The boys and I have been watching the old ones in preparation.

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...