May 18, 2009

Tabula Rasa

There is A (alpha)

then there is a whole lot of space to fill with life adventures, love, learning and friendship...

and at the end of it all, Ω.

Life is like an Oreo cookie!


Mayden' s Voyage said...

Oreo cookies are for sharing~ and I haven't had one in ages...
so this week I am buying some and having a couple (with milk of course) and sending a toast to you :)

Enemy of the Republic said...

Now how can I top Mayden's comment?

Mona said...

again? I have felt like that too myself... lately...

Anonymous said...

Weridly, I can read this post onlyin google reader - here is just showsup as black. Thank goodness there is so much space to fill.

Beth said...

Would that it were...
The "middle" of life isn't always as sweet.

Grant said...

Most people don't understand that "Tabula Rasa" is Japanese for "hot bunnygirl". Anyway, the bunny pic isn't showing. Must be a browser issue. Can you just send her to my place?

ExtraO said...

Fade to black...

Serena said...

Have I gone blind? I'm seeing -- nothin'. Maybe I'd better try another browser. I'll be back.:)

Kurt said...

All I need now is friendship, then I'm set!

NYD said...

Mrs. C.~ There is just something wonderfully perfect about an Oreo.

They are definitely made for sharing with milk.

NME~ I hope you can forgive me. I just ain't been leaving comments when I visit these days.

Mona~ It seems that many people are in a bit of a funk. I am just trying to ride it out the only way I can.

Citizen~ That's part of the idea. You get to "fill in the blanks".

Beth~ I know, but belief and faith in the light at the end of the tunnel keeps me motivated.

BunnyLord~ I fully approve of the new avatar. This weeks photo is of the invisible bunny girl.

Dawn~ We like to think that black is the absence of all colors, but on TV it's the opposite. Black occurs when all the hues blend together.

What's my point...

S.J.~ Nothing wrong with your browser, sweetie. Just say what you see.

Kurt~ Me too!

Serena said...

Yeah, I'm still seeing ... space. I think that means I can see anything I want to see, and I can see clearly now.

Serena said...

Ahhhhh-sooooo! With the aid of my magical decoder appliance, I see it all, from Alpha to Omega -- with a yummy Oreo cookie at the end.:-)

The Grunt said...

Life is much better twisted in half, the middle licked out, and then consumed after dunking in milk.


You are Charlton Heston reincarnate.

lime said...

oreos are good dunked in milk or in chocolate. who wants to go dunking with me?

lime said...

oh, and as for that blank slate i used to like to wipe down the chalkboards with a wet sponge. i liked the inkiness of the slate and i liked to see the writing on the clean slate, not a slate that had been erased a million times and still had a layer of grit on it. the stark writing against the black slate.

sometimes twould be nice to erase with the wet sponge and start over, but we all write on a slate with a layer of chalkdust once we get to a certain point.

sparringK9 said...

i cant see anything!

NYD said...

SJ~ Glad you get the message.

Grunt~ Seeing that you are a modern day prophet. I bow before your insight.

Lime~ I'd dunk with you anytime, kiddo.

As for wiping the slate clean. Have you ever seen "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind"?

I'd stick to pristine writing tablets.

K9~ You must see with your mind and soul; not just your eyes.

moi said...

Dang. I loves me some Oreos.

Anonymous said...

now a days sharing a cookie isn't enough for some, they need to know they can have more than just half of what you have to offer. I guess that's why I stay single and not get involved with anyone that might want more than what I have to give. I do hope in your life you're sharing more than half your cookie with that someone extremely special and that she accepts the amount you do have to offer from your soul. I know she gives more than 50% of herself to you.

"And in the end...the love you share is equal to the love you give" Beatles White album.

Miss you both


And Oreos aren't all that great to start with... after you eat one it takes forever to get it out of your teeth. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Oh I nearly forgot...

Why don't they ever put a man in a bunny suit? Isn't the Easter Bunny suppose to be male?

So let's hear it for the invisible sexy bunny man!!!!


NYD said...

Moi~ I knew you would.

Halvah~ I'm hving a hard time working out your contradictions.
I think that giving everything away is a little bit stupid.

As for the bunny suit, do you remember when Bugs Bunny had to deal with the Easter bunny.

Men are like that.

Anonymous said...

Oy! I was thinking more of seeing maybe someone like Tom Sellick in a bunny suit....wink....Bugs or Elmer just don't do it for me , lol.

Was i really contradicting myself?
Hmm, hadn't noticed that.

Anyway...I still miss ya both, and that isn't a contradiction...okay.


Megan said...

This is my brain on Blogger...

Things I do.

It's been said, By John Donne (and I'm sure that we could include the women folk in this phrase) that; "No man is an island...